1. Select the preferred payment option by clicking on one of the boxes below to Sign up for the Gold Plan and get access to six one to one sessions, six audio recordings, and all the supporting materials.
  2. Fill out the form below by creating your preferred user name, your details and your password
  3. Enter your discount CODE from Paula, if you have one in the box below the form, and click the button on the right to apply it.
  4. Continue with the STRIPE (debit or credit card), and you will be redirected to the payment form.
  5. You will be automatically Logged in to your Membership Account to access the files

Weightloss Plan: GOLD (6-6-6)

Select Your Payment Cycle
Please Fill Out the Form to create your Account and Signup for the Membership
    Strength: Very Weak
    Select Your Payment Gateway (Payment Type)
    How you want to pay?
    Type in Your Coupon/Discount Code if you Have one
    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount: